This page is part of multiple pages about robot configuration and usage. Please choose the robot tag to see an overview.
At the core of this page is to explain firmware concepts. Details about the data storage is in the object model page.
The original procedure to calculate kinematics by Jacobian is replaced by screw theory with geometric algebra means.
Procedure of development:
The CAM creates a G-Code file, which uses letters like G1 XYZAC or G1 XYZABCD with different meaning. XYZ are cartesian coordinates in mm, while AC (or BC, AB, ABCD) are degrees values.
Note: IJK mode is problematic, because it conflicts with G2/G3 IJ parameters, so it can only be used with G0/G1.
The firmware interpretes the letters in kinematics as input values. Kinematics can translate it at it's will, can combine, calculate with them, ignore them etc. For a meaningful interpretation, it needs to know what the CAM means by A letter e.g. The match is often done by convenience, but it is more safe to define the match explicitly by specifying P"mapDriveLetterDn=...". It is also possible that the match is not 1:1, but more motors used than letters in G-Code used.
Firmware kinematics than outputs its calculation results into machine positions and the main firmware positions the motors and prints or drills at the commanded motor positions.
Hardware (3D printer, CNC) and Software differ in how many orientation axes are supported, the possibilities are:
If red is the direction of the X axis, green of Y axis and blue of the Z axis, with Z pointing up or down, the possibilities of orientation are from left to right:
The fact that 5 axis AC printers/CNC doesn't use all 6 axes is the reason for not supporting full orientation mode. This is sufficient in most cases (the drill orientation of the CNC is not important, as it rotates fast). But in other cases like a concrete printer, a hotend where orientation follows the printing path would be an advantage.
Rotations and the resulting orientation can be stored by different methods. Two subtypes can be divided by whether the angle changes are infinitesimal (all angles are changed at the same time) or one-after-another, where the order of changing axis is important:
Infinitesimal angle changes, all at once, order arbitrary:
Skew and Axis-Angle can be in two forms both: using unit vectors and the rotation angle as separate value or the unit vector multiplied with the angle. The result are 4 or 3 values.
Angle changes one-after-another, order is important:
Euler angles are not used in robot kinematics code, because they have problems at edges like gimbal lock. They are however often used, e.g. in aviation as roll-pitch-yaw (RPY).
Orientation and position can be stored in different form and different amount of parameters. One often used method is the transformation matrix with 4 rows and 4 columns. The last row is always (0,0,0,1), to the amount of to-be-stored parameters is 12.
The left coloured 3x3 submatrix is the rotation matrix, the yellow the positional information.
It contains the following information:
Some technical information about the transformation matrix:
This chapter is relevant if using
For forward and inverse kinematics calculations it is important to set world or workpiece mode. Default is world mode.
When the workpiece is rotated or moved itself, calculating in workpiece mode for a part of the chain is necessary.
Examples for workpiece mode is CNC 5 axis with rotary axes on the table like Open5x and 4 axis palletized with the print object installed on the robot endpoint and the hotend stationary outside the robot. Example configurations are provided in the robot type documents about CNC 5 axis and 4 axis palletized.
Workpiece mode means that the transformation matrices need to be multiplied in back order. I was a bit suprised, that I could invert the ZYX rotation matrix (which is represented by one Dn definition) directly by inverting it. I expected that I have to change rotation/transformation order from ZYX to XYZ before inverting, but it is not the case, as A-1B-1 = (BA)-1, so X-1Y-1Z-1=(ZYX)-1, so it's sufficient to invert ZYX.
The inversion of a tranformation matrix looks like this:
T are transposes, R is the rotation matrix, t is the position matrix.
It is important to get the transformation matrix order for multiplication correct, i. e. the order of the Dn definitions, because matrix multiplication order is not commutative, i. e. A * B is different from B * A. In case of changing from world mode to workpiece mode, the transformation matrix must
Example: D0 to D2 are BC settings for the rotary axes of CNC 5 axis BC. The workpiece is assembled on the C plate, then changing to workpiece mode means inverting by using D!0, D!1, D!2. For the other Dn values of the linear axes and tool Dn, the normal order is used, D3 to D6 in this example.
Full orientation can be described by Euler axis and an angle around this axis.
Please see
Quaternions are numbers of one real and three imaginary numbers, developed by Hamilton in 19th century, and can describe spatial rotations.
A typical number looks like q0 + q1i + q2j + q3k, where ijk are imaginary numbers.
By using a calculation named Slerp, interpolation between two quaternions is unambigious and the orientation change has constant velocity, which is advantageous for constant extrusion, contrary to Euler angles. Slerp is often used in 3D gaming development.
Online translator to convert between rotation matrix and quaternion I use are and (both show real number last for quaternions).
A nice introduction video to quaternions is
For segmentation of a rotation, simply dividing angles (e. g. Euler angles) is not the correct way, because the resulting segmented rotations have nonlinear velocity. The method called Slerp, which is based on quaternions, assures constant angle change and velocity of rotation.
(from Wikipedia
The simple method would be to divide the line between p0 and p1 for segmentation (tendon). With slerp, the curve of the circle is divided instead.
Slerp is used in Kinematics for
Interpolations to calculate segments are implemented by using Slerp with introduction see and implementation based on Shoemake
Firmware code follows the code of
Forward kinematics result in X, Y, Z and orientation. Together they result in 6 parameters, which correspond to 6 degrees of freedom (DOF). A 6 axis robot can create those 6 DOFs. Every configuration of less than 6 actuators is limited in the creation of the result.
Examples of reduced rank:
Workspace is the space where an object can be reached by the robot. Calculation is a combination of position and orientation. Positions near the edges should be avoided, because rotations of axes become critical and movement precision is reduced.
(image from
Singularities are unreachable robot positions or positions where movement results are undefined. Approaching singularities is also probelmatic, because some angle velocities are approaching infinity. See a good overview of singularities for 6 axis robots here.
Being in a singularity may be necessary when homing. In Example 2 of the DH parameter explanation, the homing position is in a singularity (a small movement of most of the axes result in massive X movement and minimal Z movement). Setting the stepper positions by homing may be a necessity. A solution is to home and set the positions, then moving specific axes with G1 H2 to a position where the robots positions are outside the singularity, then proceed. Those G1 H2 moves can be placed into the homing file.
To avoid printing in a singularity, M208 can be set accordingly. Please see the chapter about M208 for details.
Singularities are solved by calculating generalized inverses.
For part of the robot types, a specific cartesian position and orientation can be reached by different arm positions. chapter "Working Modes" explains it for 5 bar parallel scara. An industrial 6 axis robot has up to 8 possible angle combinations for a given position and orientation.
Crossing the boundaries and changing the working modes is only possible by crossing singularities. For exceptions please see below.
To avoid problems, the working mode can be specified by telling the firmware using a set of actuator angles with P"workmode=..." as reference, which is used as beginning position/orientation to calculate targets. Default are the homing angles. The calculation uses a print path which is solvable the whole path, i. e. all segments of a move will be achievable with limited velocity of the actuators. When the kinematics is informed about a new move, the method LimitPosition is called which checks whether the position and orientation is reachable. The decision is made by the M208 limits and the inverse kinematics calculation whether the robot can reach the position and orientation. The calculation stays inside the work mode, starting from the position/orientation of the stored angles in cachedAngles.
The following methods exist to specify workmode:
To change workmode, additional G-Code commands like G1 H2 moves are necessary and setting to the new workmode. An alternative is to cross the singularity with the experimental solution to set velocity for critical actuators to 0 and cross the singularity. This will often produce inexact print or drill results, but may be acceptable.
Speed control is managed directly in the inverse kinematics: the calculated needed angle velocities are compared against the M203 setting and a violation reported if it exceeds the limit. The limits are defined as degrees/min for rotational axes and mm/min for prismatic ones. The overall speed should be controlled by limiting the extrusion speed by the core RRF, but I'll test it.
Acceleration and jerk is not monitored in this release.
Near and at a singularity, the angular speed of a single or few actuators would grow to infinity and stop printing. The solution is to avoid singularities or to set those angular speed to 0 and accept some inaccuracy. The affected segments are corrected and the surrounding ones smoothing down to velocity values approaching 0 to avoid jerks. The M203 and M201 (and maybe M566) settings are used as upper angular velocity limits for each actuator.
The setting P"violationBehaviour=..." controls what to do with violations (e. g. warn, hinder movement, accept x % over with warning). This is handled together with angle violations.
Tool offsets are defined by G10 X, Y, Z offsets. There are no parameters for tool orientation in G10 (a proposal would be to add IJK)*), so a modification of the DH parameters directly is needed, if the tool itself is not vertical. When changing tools with a toolchanger, each tool could have it's own tilt values.
The X, Y, Z offset values are added to the tool's coordinate system. A positive Z offset with a coordinate system pointing down (coordinate system's Z axis is vector (0 0 -1), pointing down) will lower the distance between hotend and bed e.g.
The tool offset is added to the kinematics chain (the last Dn transformation matrix) before a forward kinematics is calculated. Every change of G10, a tool change eg., is immediately effective.
Some Drive and G-Code Letters have different meanings, depending on context:
In G-Code the two meanings are mixed unhappily, some examples:
Tests with forward, inverse kinematics and angle calculations resulted in differences of e-04 at worst between float and double precision variables for 6 axis robot calculations of positions and orientations. It seems acceptable to use float, because it needs less memory and can run on all newer Duet hardware with single and double precision Cortex chips (all M4F and M7 based with FPU. M7 offers double precision FPU on 6HC and 6XD).
Technical details:
For installation and running robot kinematics, taking the binaries is the easiest solution. The following is only interesting if one wishes to compile or change something static inside the firmware code (e.g. using more than 6 axes).
For indidivual compilation of source, the guide should be followed. For the robot, a github fork is made and the code added to the branch 3.5-dev
The direct path is
The file contents are as follows
Additional steps:
If it doesn't compile or with many errors, I may have forgot to change WINDOWSMODE 1/RRMODE 0 to WINDOWSMODE 0/RRFMODE 1 in RobotKinematics.h when checkin into github. The values are used to set Windows or RRF environment.
If the results of calculations are not as expected, the reason can be a wrong Dn setup of angles or distances. To check every Dn's result, the log level can be set to logDetailed. Every move result will be output to the console with detailed information about the rotation matrices: positions and orientations. This allows to check whether the joint angle results are as expected. The Jacobian and Generalized inverse will be logged also, so unusual angle velocities can be detected.
Calculation starts at a cached matrix of the last move. If the new move is segmented and a short segment, only a few iterations are needed and will be logged, until the target is reached. Long moves will be segmented into large segments with reduced precision and only the last segment is with high precision. Long moves may log too many details to be informative.
Long unsegmented moves happen
The long unsegmented moves are calculated in chunks of large segments to avoid "snap of angles" into different work modes and because the Jacobian - Inverse method is working for small angle changes only.
Short segmented moves happen
When RRF receives a long G1 move or a G2/G3 move, it will be segmented. Segmentation means, a long line or curve is divided into short straight lines. Similar to how Pi is calculated by approaching the curve by smaller and smaller line approximations.
For 3D printing, typical values are 0.1 or 0.2 mm line segments. For CNC, 0.01 mm are typical values. Smaller values mean better quality of the approximation, but more processor power needed. If too much power is needed, it will show up in M122 hiccup values.
The segments can be created by the CAM/slicer also.
Segmentation in RRF has the following advantages
Robot kinematics supports different joint types, configured by P"axisTypes=...".
There are 6 common types, currently supported are:
The other types are helical, cylindrical and universal.
The kinematics code includes code to test the robot type's code for forward and inverse kinematics. It can be run with simulation with random values of actuator angles or by G-Code G1 target positions and orientations with M669 R ... (tbd to be specified).
The procedure is as follows:
Additional idea:
CGA, conformal geometric algebra, uses 32 values for every object (following named 0...31), but not all at the same time and not at the same places. To store and use efficient, the following storage methods are used:
Patt and idx32 have different orders, hence the lookup-tables: while idx32 is ordered according to the table about blades on the GA page (and is the numbering of Gaalop), pattern is ordered logically as described below.
Gaalop doesn't differ between a 0 result and a scalar result of value 0. The pattern 0b00100000 is added in this firmware for a 0 value, so the code can differentiate between a 0 result and a scalar result of value 0.
Bytes needed: 5 * number of objects/transformations. + 33 + 33. About 200 bytes in total.