Some Duet 3D mainboards support a dynamically-configured menu system to use on a 12864 display + encoder. As the Duet 3D electronics are capable of being used in many different configurations, with differing requirements, a fixed menu system is not suitable. Therefore the menu structure is defined in files on the Duet mainboard SD card.
Support for 12864 displays was originally introduced for Duet 2 Maestro. 12864 support has now been extended to other Duet boards:
See Connecting 12864 and other displays for details.
NOTE: on Single Board Computer (SBC, i.e. Raspberry Pi) setups where a 12864 display is connected to a supported Duet board (see above), the file and macro list are unavailable in the 12864 menus. This is because the SBC presents a virtual SD card rather than a physical one that the 12864 system can not access.
See this thread on the forum for a workaround to allow access to specific macros.
Before a 12864 display can be used, the M918 P1 Enn command must be sent to enable it (P1) and set the encoder resolution and direction (Enn, where nn usually needs to be -4, -2, 2 or 4). This command would normally be put in the config.g file. See M918 in the Gcode dictionary for more details. Example:
M918 P1 E4 F2000000 ; configure direct-connect display
Folder /menu of the micro SD card installed in the Duet is used to hold menu files. Each file in /menu defines one page on the display. There must be a file called main in /menu, which is the initial file loaded at startup.
There are a number of published user-created menu file sets you can use:
Many thanks to these users for their work!
If you want to create your own set of menu files, or modify existing ones, read on.
You can create and edit menu files within Duet web Control version 1.22.1 and later. If the /menu folder doesn't exist on the SD card, it will be created when you use the New File button to create a menu file.
Generally, each line in a menu file describes one display element. Each line has the following syntax:
command parameter1 parameter2 parameter3 ...
The command must be one of the recognised keywords. Most commands cause a display element to be written to the display. Each parameter is similar to a parameter in G- or M-code, i.e. a letter followed by a number or a string, or a colon-separated sequence of numbers. String parameters must always be enclosed in double-quote characters. Parameters may be optional (depending on the command), in which case default values are assumed.
Parameters common to several commands have the following meanings:
The following commands are supported:
Command | Parameters | Action |
image | [Rnn] [Cnn] [Fnn] L"filename" | Display the bitmap image read from the specified file. |
text | [Rnn] [Cnn] [Wnn] [Hn] [Fnn] T"text" | Display the specified text using the specified font. |
button | [Rnn] [Cnn] [Wnn] [Fnn] T"text" [Vnn] A"action" [L"filename"] | Display selectable text using the specified font. If the text is clicked then execute the specified action. Some actions require a filename. |
value | [Rnn] [Cnn] [Wnn] [Hn] [Fnn] [Dnn] Nvv | Display the specified value with the specified width to the specified number of decimal places |
alter | [Rnn] [Cnn] [Wnn] [Hn] [Fnn] [Dnn] Nvv | Display the specified value with the specified width to the specified number of decimal places and allow it to be altered |
files | [Rnn] [Fnn] Nnn I"initial-directory" | Display a list of files N files high and allow one of the files to be selected. The list uses the full width of the display. This menu item type is not available when the Duet is used with a Single Board Computer. |
An action string ('A' parameter) can be any of:
Multiple actions can be specified, separated by the vertical-bar character, e.g. "M32 #0|return|return" but 'menu' if present may only be the last command.
The V parameter in the 'button' command specifies the button's visibility with value:
Value | Meaning |
0 | always visible (default) |
2 | visible when the printer is actively printing (actively printing defined as not paused, pausing or resuming) |
3 | visible when the printer is NOT actively printing |
4 | visible when the printer is printing (includes paused, pausing and resuming states) |
5 | visible when the printer is NOT printing |
6 | visible when the printer is printing and in paused state (paused or pausing) |
7 | visible when the printer is printing and NOT in paused state (actively printing or resuming) |
10 | visible when SD card 0 is mounted |
11 | visible when SD card 0 is NOT mounted |
20 | visible when the current or default tool has a temperature fault |
28 | visible when the bed heater has a temperature fault |
In RRF 3.5.0-beta.4 and later the value can instead be an expresison enclosed in { } that yields a Boolean value, for example: V{heat.heaters[0].current>60}
The N parameter in the "value" and "alter" commands specifies the value to display or change as follows:
Value(s) | Alterable? | Meaning |
000-078 | no | Tool N first heater current temperature e.g. 0 = tool 0 current temperature |
079 | no | Currently selected tool first heater current temperature |
080-089 | no | Bed heater (N-80) current temperature e.g. 80 = bed heater 0 current temperature |
090-099 | no | Chamber heater (N-90) current temperature e.g. 90 = chamber heater 0 current temperature |
100-178 | yes | Tool (N-100) first heater active temperature e.g. 100 = tool 0 active temperature |
179 | yes | Currently selected tool first heater active temperature |
180-189 | yes | Bed heater (N-180) active temperature e.g. 180 = bed heater 0 active temperature |
190-199 | yes | Chamber heater (N-190) active temperature e.g. 190 = chamber heater 0 active temperature |
200-278 | yes | Tool (N-200) first heater standby temperature e.g. 200 = tool 0 standby temperature |
279 | yes | Currently selected tool first heater standby temperature |
280-289 | yes | Bed heater (N-280) standby temperature e.g. 280 = bed heater 0 standby temperature |
290-299 | yes | Chamber heater (N-290) standby temperature e.g. 290 = chamber heater 0 standby temperature |
300-398 | yes | Fan (N-300) percent full PWM e.g. 302 = fan 2 percent |
399 | yes | Current tool fan percent full PWM |
400-499 | yes | Extruder (N-400) extrusion factor |
500 | yes | Speed factor |
501 | no (1) | Message from the last M117 command |
510-518 | yes (2) | Current axis location in user coordinates (X, Y, Z, U, V, W respectively) |
520 | yes | Currently selected tool number |
521 | yes (1) | Z baby-step offset |
530-533 | no | Actual IP address, octets 1 through 4. Deprecated when using firmware 2.03 or later, use 534 instead. |
534 | no (3) | Actual IP address |
535 | no (3) | Percentage of the current print file that has been processed |
536 | no (3) | Estimated print time remaining, based on progress through the file |
537 | no (3) | Estimated print time remaining, based on filament consumption (not always available) |
538 | no (3) | Requested speed of the current move |
539 | no (3) | Actual top speed of the current move |
(1) = implemented in firmware 2.02 and later only
(2) = alterable in firmware 2.02 and later only
(3) = implemented in firmware 2.03RC1 and later only
In RRF 3.5.0-beta.4 and later, in a "value" command the value can instead be an expression enclosed in { } that yields the value to be displayed, for example: N{heat.heaters[0].current}
Byte 0: image width in pixels (call this W)
Byte 1: image height in pixels (number of rows)
Next n bytes (n = W/8 rounded up to a whole number): Row 0 pixels. The most significant bit of the first byte is the leftmost pixel.
Next n bytes: Row 1 pixels; and so on.
File "main":
text R0 C0 F1 T"My Super 3D Printer "
image L"reprapimg.bin"
text R15 C0 F0 T"Bed temp "
alter N180 W30
text T" actual "
value N80 W30
button R27 C0 T"Preheat PLA" A"M98 P#0" L"/macros/Preheat PLA"
button R39 C0 T"Preheat ABS" A"M98 P#0" L"/macros/Preheat ABS"
button R51 C0 T"Select file to print" A"menu" L"listFiles"
Note: From RRF 3.5, the firmware expects M98 commands to have the macro name or path/name in quotes. See this thread on the forum. The above should work in RRF 3.5 and earlier version. It could be rewritten as:
button R27 C0 T"Preheat PLA" A"M98 P""/macros/Preheat PLA"""
However, this may then not work in earlier versions of RRF.
File "listFiles":
text R0 C0 F0 T"Select file to print "
button T"Back" A"return"
files R15 N4 I"/gcodes" A"M32 #0|return"